Archive for February, 2012

  • WordPress-like summaries and Teasers in Drupal 7 and CKEditor

    WordPress-like summaries and Teasers in Drupal 7 and CKEditor

    Over the past few versions of Drupal, there have been quite a few attempts to create a good way of creating page summaries/teasers/excerpts/extracts that you can use on the front page to encourage people to read the article. The version that comes out of the box with Drupal 7 works quite nicely if no text […]

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  • Adventures in Drupal 7 Caching

    Adventures in Drupal 7 Caching

    (This post will be updated as we get a clearer idea of what is going on and how all the pieces fit together) We have made quite a few sites in Drupal 7, the largest being Drupal has evolved into a really powerful framework that can enable you to bring together all kinds of […]

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